- Jon Pertwee - Worzel Gummidge
- Jon Pertwee - Radio Announcer
- Norman Bird - Mr. Braithwaite
- Megs Jenkins - Mrs. Braithwaite
- David Lodge - The Strong Man
- Mike Reid - Fairground Owner
- Fran Fullenwider - Fat Lady
- Denis Gilmore - Harry
- Damon Sanders - Mr. Mooney
- Anthony Sharp - Mr. Stanley
- Norman Mitchell - P.C. Parsons
- Norman Mitchell - PC Parsons
- Jeremy Pearce - Car park attendant
- Michael Ripper - Mr. Shepherd
- Jimmy Jewel - Betting Office Manager
- Keith Smith - Mr. Pursglove
- Blake Butler - Boatyard owner
- Jonathan Cecil - Vicar
- Beryl Reid - Sarah Pigswill
- Patrick Newell - Mr. Fletcher
- James Coyle - Mr. Arkinshaw
- Barbara Ashcroft - Lady B
- Barbara Ashcroft - Mrs. Mountjoy
- Steve Gardner - Mr. Collinson
- Steve Gardner - Dougie
- Bernard Cribbins - Jolly Jack
- Laurence Harrington - Cyril
- Laurence Harrington - Landlord
- Laurence Harrington - Cyril Edmunds
- Connie Booth - Aunt Sally II
- Ted Carroll - Gypsy Joe
- Sarah Thomas - Enid Simmons
- Sarah Thomas - Miss Maple
- Sarah Thomas - Enid the Maid
- Sarah Thomas - Waitress
- Gordon Rollings - Postman
- Dave Carter - Removal man
- Frank Marlborough - Dafthead
- Frank Marlborough - Daft Head
- Frank Marlborough - Atkins
- Frank Marlborough - Mr. Lucas
- Frank Marlborough - Saggy Tatersack
- Kate David - Traffic warden
- Kate David - Miss Jamieson
- Kate David - Cashier
- Wally Thomas - Elderly Gentleman
- Wayne Norman - Pickles
- Joan Sims - Mrs. Bloomsbury-Barton
- Myrtle Devenish - Mrs. Liversage
- Myrtle Devenish - Mrs. Edgeworth
- Myrtle Devenish - Mrs. Liversedge
- Peter Gordon - Fisherman
- Chris Sanders - Fisherman
- John Le Mesurier - Baines
- Beatrix Mackey - Lady Partington
- Hilary Mason - Miss Fogg
- Clifford Parrish - Vicar
- Cherry Morris - Vicar's wife
- Percy Herbert - Mr. Oakshott
- Jennifer Croxton - Waitress
- Alex Scott - Cobber Gummidge
- Talfryn Thomas - Soggy Boggart
- Nicholas Smith - Mr. Foster
- Bill Pertwee - M.C.
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