Temporada 1 (Time Express)

Stunt Dawgs is an animated comedic adventure series about a team of stunt performers and their bulldog named Human who also solve problems heroically. The series was produced by DIC Entertainment and Rainforest Entertainment and co-created by Jeff Franklin, best known for co-producing Full House. A short-lived comic adaptation from Harvey Comics was written by Michael Gallagher and drawn by Nelson Dewey, who worked from scripts and model sheets from the series.

Temporada 1 de Time Express
Categoría Ciencia Ficción, Drama
N.º Episodios 4
Director Ivan Goff

Episodios de la Temporada 1

Escena del episodio 1 de la temporada 1 de la serie Time Express Episodio 1
  • Fecha estreno: 1979-04-26
  • Valoración: 4.8
  • Duración: 60 min

Stunt Dawgs is an animated comedic adventure series about a team of stunt performers and their bulldog named Human who also solve problems heroically. The series was produced by DIC Entertainment and Rainforest Entertainment and co-created by Jeff Franklin, best ...

Escena del episodio 2 de la temporada 1 de la serie Time Express Episodio 2
  • Fecha estreno: 1979-05-03
  • Valoración: 4.8
  • Duración: 60 min

Stunt Dawgs is an animated comedic adventure series about a team of stunt performers and their bulldog named Human who also solve problems heroically. The series was produced by DIC Entertainment and Rainforest Entertainment and co-created by Jeff Franklin, best ...

Escena del episodio 3 de la temporada 1 de la serie Time Express Episodio 3
  • Fecha estreno: 1979-05-10
  • Valoración: 4.8
  • Duración: 60 min

Stunt Dawgs is an animated comedic adventure series about a team of stunt performers and their bulldog named Human who also solve problems heroically. The series was produced by DIC Entertainment and Rainforest Entertainment and co-created by Jeff Franklin, best ...

Escena del episodio 4 de la temporada 1 de la serie Time Express Episodio 4
  • Fecha estreno: 1979-05-17
  • Valoración: 4.8
  • Duración: 60 min

Stunt Dawgs is an animated comedic adventure series about a team of stunt performers and their bulldog named Human who also solve problems heroically. The series was produced by DIC Entertainment and Rainforest Entertainment and co-created by Jeff Franklin, best ...

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