Reparto de The Disappearance

Descubre el reparto completo de The Disappearance y quién interpreta a cada personaje.

Actores Principales

Reparto Secundario

Anthony Sullivan
Young Margaret Cain
Young Henry Sullivan
Detective Fontaine 1972
Officer Simmons
Nurse Donna
Lisa Cooke
Policeman #1
Policeman #2
Policeman #3
Police Captain
Maternity Nurse 1972
Music Producer
Andrea Smith
Sergeant-Detective Capolla (as Tiio Horn)
Anne-Marie Duval
Maria Perez
Stripper Melanie
Mr Stackhouse
Mrs Dunn
Dr. Amin
Sergeant Lydia Douglas
Jim Chilton
Luke Sullivan (10 yrs)
Catherine Sullivan (8 yrs)
David Smith (10 yrs)
Clerk Service Station 116
Drummondville Patrolman
Service Station manager
Drummonville Waitress #1
Drummonville Waitress #2
Stephen Price
Alex Lynch
Gill Cartwright
Norman Charters
Stoner #1
Journalist Julia Davis
Martin Lackey
Stoner #2
Brother John
Michael Smith
Debbie Smith
Receptionist Nursing Home
Henry\'s Nurse
Margaret Sullivan (60 yrs)
Eric Barclay
Dr. Sandhu
Nurse ICU
Swat Leader #2
Sergeant-Detective Johnson
Police Officer
Young Stephen Price
Erin (Charles\' Wife)
Teenager Boy
Michael Smith (22 yrs)
Sergeant-Detective Charles Cooper
Fred Cameron

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Quién interpreta a Luke Sullivan en serie The Disappearance?
Aden Young interpreta a Luke Sullivan.
¿Qué papel hace Peter Coyote en la serie The Disappearance?
Peter Coyote hace el papel de Henry Sullivan.
¿Qué papel hace Camille Sullivan en la serie The Disappearance?
Camille Sullivan hace el papel de Helen Murphy Sullivan.
¿En qué serie Joanne Kelly interpreta a Catherine Sullivan?
Joanne Kelly interpreta a Catherine Sullivan en la serie The Disappearance.
¿Quién interpreta a Lieutenant-Detective Susan Bowden en serie The Disappearance?
Micheline Lanctôt interpreta a Lieutenant-Detective Susan Bowden.

En tendencia
