Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live performances and interviews with Juan Diego Florez, Deborah Voigt, Richard Bona, Michel Camillo, Janet McTeer, Pierre Laurent Aimard, and Susan Graham on Breakfast with the Arts. Other notable guests included Catherine Deneuve, Kenneth Branagh, Michael Caine, Vanessa Redgrave, Kirk Douglas, Yoko Ono, Plácido Domingo, Daniel Barenboim, Michael Tilson Thomas, Jeremy Irons, Kate Mulgrew, Audra McDonald, Uta Hagen, Arturo Sandoval, Dave Brubeck, Terence Blanchard, Ron Howard, and Robert Altman. Later the programming was broadened to include rock music. Guests included country musician Bonnie Raitt, rock band Los Lobos, pop artist Avril Lavigne, actress Lauren Bacall, and pop singer Natasha Bedingfield. The host for the first 12 years was Peabody Award winning broadcaster Elliott Forrest; later episodes were hosted by Karina Huber. TV personality Timberly Whitfield also served as a correspondent and interviewed celebrities for the program.
T0 E1: Episodio 1
- Fecha estreno: 1991-02-10
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E2: Episodio 2
- Fecha estreno: 1991-06-02
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E3: Episodio 3
- Fecha estreno: 1992-01-01
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E4: Episodio 4
- Fecha estreno: 1991-09-08
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E5: Episodio 5
- Fecha estreno: 1993-01-01
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E6: Episodio 6
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E7: Episodio 7
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E8: Episodio 8
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E9: Episodio 9
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E10: Episodio 10
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E11: Episodio 11
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E12: Episodio 12
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E13: Episodio 13
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E14: Episodio 14
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E16: Episodio 16
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E17: Episodio 17
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E18: Episodio 18
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E19: Episodio 19
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E20: Episodio 20
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E21: Episodio 21
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E22: Episodio 22
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E23: Episodio 23
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E24: Episodio 24
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E25: Episodio 25
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 3 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E26: Episodio 26
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 4 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E27: Episodio 27
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E28: Episodio 28
- Fecha estreno: Desconocida
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 1 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E29: Episodio 29
- Fecha estreno: 1991-09-08
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
T0 E30: Episodio 30
- Fecha estreno: 1992-01-01
- Valoración: 0.0
- Duración: 0 min
Breakfast with the Arts is a television program that aired on A&E from 1991 until 2007. In its first decade the program focused on classical music, dance, opera, jazz, the visual arts, theater, and film. American television audiences first heard live ...
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