Servir y Proteger

Servir y Proteger portada
Estreno 25 de abril de 2017
Temporadas 7
Episodios 766
Director Tirso Calero


Ambientada en una comisaría de policía situada en un barrio del sur de Madrid, los casos policiales se entrelazan con las historias personales de quienes forman parte de ella, explorando el lado más humano de quienes trabajan como agentes y cómo es su día a día.



Póster de la temporada 1 de la serie Servir y Proteger
Temporada 1
  • Episodios: 163
  • Sinopsis: Beat the Geeks is an American comedy game show that aired on Comedy Central from 2001 to 2002. The show was rerun on The Comedy Network in Canada and reruns currently air on G4techTV Canada and Prime in New Zealand. On ...
Póster de la temporada 2 de la serie Servir y Proteger
Temporada 2
  • Episodios: 200
  • Sinopsis: Beat the Geeks is an American comedy game show that aired on Comedy Central from 2001 to 2002. The show was rerun on The Comedy Network in Canada and reruns currently air on G4techTV Canada and Prime in New Zealand. On ...
Póster de la temporada 3 de la serie Servir y Proteger
Temporada 3
  • Episodios: 200
  • Sinopsis: Beat the Geeks is an American comedy game show that aired on Comedy Central from 2001 to 2002. The show was rerun on The Comedy Network in Canada and reruns currently air on G4techTV Canada and Prime in New Zealand. On ...
Póster de la temporada 4 de la serie Servir y Proteger
Temporada 4
  • Episodios: 31
  • Sinopsis: Beat the Geeks is an American comedy game show that aired on Comedy Central from 2001 to 2002. The show was rerun on The Comedy Network in Canada and reruns currently air on G4techTV Canada and Prime in New Zealand. On ...
Póster de la temporada 5 de la serie Servir y Proteger
Temporada 5
  • Episodios: 172
  • Sinopsis: Beat the Geeks is an American comedy game show that aired on Comedy Central from 2001 to 2002. The show was rerun on The Comedy Network in Canada and reruns currently air on G4techTV Canada and Prime in New Zealand. On ...
Póster de la temporada 6 de la serie Servir y Proteger
Temporada 6
  • Episodios: 0
  • Sinopsis: Beat the Geeks is an American comedy game show that aired on Comedy Central from 2001 to 2002. The show was rerun on The Comedy Network in Canada and reruns currently air on G4techTV Canada and Prime in New Zealand. On ...
Póster de la temporada 7 de la serie Servir y Proteger
Temporada 7
  • Episodios: 0
  • Sinopsis: Beat the Geeks is an American comedy game show that aired on Comedy Central from 2001 to 2002. The show was rerun on The Comedy Network in Canada and reruns currently air on G4techTV Canada and Prime in New Zealand. On ...

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