Temporada 1 (Selling Hitler)
"Protagonistas de la Fama," also known as Protagonistas de la Fama VIP is a Spanish language reality television series which aired in 2004 on Telemundo, Puerto Rico. It is based on the Protagonistas... franchise, akin to previous shows Protagonistas de la Musica and Protagonistas de Novela. In this show, contestants compete for leading roles on a Telemundo telenovela.
On the show, a group of well-known Latin celebrities live in an isolated studio/house where they are filmed 24 hours a day. Each week, the contestants receive training and later compete in an acting challenge in front of a panel of judges. The judges nominate the person deemed to have performed the worst in the challenge, and the housemates nominate an additional contestant of the same gender. The television viewers then decide which contestant will be evicted by calling in their support. The show was televised each weekday for several months, with eliminations on a weekly basis.
José Angel Llamas hosted the show's first season. The winners of the first season were Roberto Mateos and Litzy Dominguez. Mateos was a veteran actor with a wife and children whose résumé already boasted many supporting acting roles as well as being the protagonist opposite Sonya Smith in the Peruvian telenovela Milagros. Litzy Dominguez, better known as "Litzy," had previously been a member of the Mexican musical group Jeans and had begun to pursue a solo recording career.