True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's Emergency Services Unit.
T1 E1: Episodio 1
- Fecha estreno: 1984-09-20
- Valoración: 10.0
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E2: Episodio 2
- Fecha estreno: 1984-09-27
- Valoración: 10.0
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E3: Episodio 3
- Fecha estreno: 1984-10-23
- Valoración: 3.0
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E4: Episodio 4
- Fecha estreno: 1984-10-30
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E5: Episodio 5
- Fecha estreno: 1984-11-13
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E6: Episodio 6
- Fecha estreno: 1984-11-20
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E7: Episodio 7
- Fecha estreno: 1984-11-27
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E8: Episodio 8
- Fecha estreno: 1984-12-04
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E9: Episodio 9
- Fecha estreno: 1984-12-11
- Valoración: 1.0
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E10: Episodio 10
- Fecha estreno: 1984-12-18
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E12: Episodio 12
- Fecha estreno: 1985-01-15
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E13: Episodio 13
- Fecha estreno: 1985-01-22
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E14: Episodio 14
- Fecha estreno: 1985-01-29
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E15: Episodio 15
- Fecha estreno: 1985-02-05
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E16: Episodio 16
- Fecha estreno: 1985-02-12
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E17: Episodio 17
- Fecha estreno: 1985-02-19
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E18: Episodio 18
- Fecha estreno: 1985-02-26
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E19: Episodio 19
- Fecha estreno: 1985-03-05
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E20: Episodio 20
- Fecha estreno: 1985-03-12
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E21: Episodio 21
- Fecha estreno: 1985-04-09
- Valoración: 4.5
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
T1 E22: Episodio 22
- Fecha estreno: 1985-04-16
- Valoración: 1.0
- Duración: 23 min
True Blue is a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama follows the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's ...
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