Mosquito Lake was a short-lived Canadian television sitcom, which aired on CBC Television in the 1989-90 television season. The show, a family sitcom, starred comedian Mike MacDonald as the father of a family spending the summer in a dilapidated cottage on Mosquito Lake. The cast also included Mary Long, Tara Strong, Maria Vacratsis, Bradley Machry and Dan Redican. The show was created by Paul Willis. The show was cancelled after 19 episodes. Reruns of the series, including the remaining unaired episodes aired on CBC in the early summer of 1991.
T1 E1: Episodio 1
- Fecha estreno: 1990-10-07
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 91 min
Mosquito Lake was a short-lived Canadian television sitcom, which aired on CBC Television in the 1989-90 television season. The show, a family sitcom, starred comedian Mike MacDonald as the father of a family spending the summer in a dilapidated cottage ...
T1 E3: Episodio 3
- Fecha estreno: 1990-10-09
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 91 min
Mosquito Lake was a short-lived Canadian television sitcom, which aired on CBC Television in the 1989-90 television season. The show, a family sitcom, starred comedian Mike MacDonald as the father of a family spending the summer in a dilapidated cottage ...
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