The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E1: Episodio 1
- Fecha estreno: 1982-09-08
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E2: Episodio 2
- Fecha estreno: 1982-09-15
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E3: Episodio 3
- Fecha estreno: 1982-10-02
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E4: Episodio 4
- Fecha estreno: 1982-10-09
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E5: Episodio 5
- Fecha estreno: 1982-10-16
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E6: Episodio 6
- Fecha estreno: 1982-10-23
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E7: Episodio 7
- Fecha estreno: 1982-10-30
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E8: Episodio 8
- Fecha estreno: 1982-11-06
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E9: Episodio 9
- Fecha estreno: 1982-11-13
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E10: Episodio 10
- Fecha estreno: 1982-11-27
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E11: Episodio 11
- Fecha estreno: 1982-12-04
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E12: Episodio 12
- Fecha estreno: 1982-12-11
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E13: Episodio 13
- Fecha estreno: 1982-12-18
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E14: Episodio 14
- Fecha estreno: 1983-03-28
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E15: Episodio 15
- Fecha estreno: 1983-04-04
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E16: Episodio 16
- Fecha estreno: 1983-04-11
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E17: Episodio 17
- Fecha estreno: 1983-04-18
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E19: Episodio 19
- Fecha estreno: 1983-05-02
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E20: Episodio 20
- Fecha estreno: 1983-05-23
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E21: Episodio 21
- Fecha estreno: 1983-05-16
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E22: Episodio 22
- Fecha estreno: 1983-05-16
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E23: Episodio 23
- Fecha estreno: 1983-05-30
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
T2 E24: Episodio 24
- Fecha estreno: 1983-06-06
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 30 min
The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
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