Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in Concrete by Pietro Di Donato. The title is taken from the Lord's Prayer.
T3 E1: Había una vez una Luna Azul
- Fecha estreno: 1983-09-17
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Hubo una luna azul... Una mañana Músico va a tocar para despertar a los pitufos. Aunque los demás creen que es una broma de Bromista, Papá Pitufo descubre que es un bebé. Pero días después descubren ...
T3 E2: Los pitufos y las criaturas gigantes
- Fecha estreno: 1983-09-17
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E3: La brigada de los pitufos
- Fecha estreno: 1983-09-17
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E4: El mago alado
- Fecha estreno: 1983-09-17
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E5: Todo retrato tiene una historia
- Fecha estreno: 1983-09-17
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E6: El primer telepitufo
- Fecha estreno: 1983-09-24
- Valoración: 9.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E7: Episodio 7
- Fecha estreno: 1983-09-24
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E8: Los pendientes mágicos
- Fecha estreno: 1983-09-24
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E9: Las últimas fresas salvajes
- Fecha estreno: 1983-09-24
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Gargamel crea una pócima que marchita los arbustos de Pitufrutillas, consiguiendo hacerlo con todas menos una. La última la usa como trampa y captura a Bebé y a Comilón.
T3 E10: Un poco de auto confianza pitufo
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-01
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Pitufo Debilucho cree que no puede hacer nada de nada. Pero los pitufos no se rinden y hacen muchos trucos para que crea que lo puede hacer todo y no esté deprimido. Papá Pitufo le dice que si se pone "...
T3 E11: Episodio 11
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-01
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E12: El huevo podrido
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-01
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E13: La Lágrima de un Pitufo
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-01
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Se trata de una dama la cual su mamá le puso un hechizo para lucir como una anciana, entonces logra capturar a Azrael, Pitufo Gruñón y Pitufo Bromista. Para volver a ser normal tiene que conseguir la lá...
T3 E14: El pitufero del milagro
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-01
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E15: El pitufo que debería ser rey
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-08
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E16: ¿Cómo hacer un arco iris?
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-08
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E17: Pitufina por un día
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-08
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E18: Episodio 18
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-08
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E19: Pitufos leñadores
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-08
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E20: La ternura de Genio / La novia de genio
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-15
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E21: Habla por ti mismo Pitufo Agricultor
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-15
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E22: Una choza no es un hogar
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-15
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E23: Olvídame pitufo
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-15
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E24: El gremlin gruñón
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-15
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E26: El pitufo de la voluntad
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-22
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E27: Se ha perdido el pitufo bebé
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-22
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E28: La cápsula del tiempo de los pitufos
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-22
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E29: Campanas de boda para Gárgamel
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-29
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
T3 E30: Hay que Atrapar al Ladrón
- Fecha estreno: 1983-10-29
- Valoración: 7.0
- Duración: 13 min
Give Us This Day is a 1949 British film, directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was released in the United States as Christ in Concrete. Another alternate title was Salt and the Devil. The film was based on the 1939 novel Christ in ...
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