Mowgli: The New Adventures of the Jungle Book is an American live action series adapted from the Japanese Jungle Book Shōnen Mowgli series
T1 E1: ¿Dónde está Laura?
- Fecha estreno: 2015-05-04
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 50 min
Mowgli: The New Adventures of the Jungle Book is an American live action series adapted from the Japanese Jungle Book Shōnen Mowgli series
T1 E3: Hacia el mar
- Fecha estreno: 2015-05-18
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 50 min
Mowgli: The New Adventures of the Jungle Book is an American live action series adapted from the Japanese Jungle Book Shōnen Mowgli series
T1 E4: La decisión de Pelazas
- Fecha estreno: 2015-05-25
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 50 min
Mowgli: The New Adventures of the Jungle Book is an American live action series adapted from the Japanese Jungle Book Shōnen Mowgli series
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