Especiales (Holocausto)

The Buzz was a Canadian comedy television series that aired on The Comedy Network. The show was hosted by Morgan "Mista Mo" Smith and Daryn Jones. The show originally aired in the mid-90s as a community channel show on Rogers Television before getting a network deal in 2000. In 2001, the show won a Gemini Award in the "Best Writing in a Comedy or Variety Program or Series" category. The 2003 season saw them take the show to New York, London, Amsterdam and Frankfurt. The show ended in 2005. Created in Toronto, the show found a place on the Comedy Network when The Tom Green Show left to MTV. The show uses sketch comedy, non-sequiturs and guerrilla comedy. The two hosts, Daryn Jones, a geeky theatre major, and Mista Mo, an "almost real rapper" often riff on the racial tensions between them.

Especiales de Holocausto
Categoría Drama, War & Politics
N.º Episodios 1
Director Gerald Green

Episodios de la Temporada 0

Escena del episodio 1 de la temporada 0 de la serie Holocausto Episodio 1
  • Fecha estreno: 1978-04-18
  • Valoración: 7.5
  • Duración: 91 min

The Buzz was a Canadian comedy television series that aired on The Comedy Network. The show was hosted by Morgan "Mista Mo" Smith and Daryn Jones. The show originally aired in the mid-90s as a community channel show on ...

Otras Temporadas

Poster de la Temporada 1 en la serie Holocausto


  • Episodios: 4
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