Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about urban legends that surround the summer camp that they are attending. Ten episodes were filmed in all, with repeats shown on Nick GAS, but currently episodes no longer air on the network, nor will they return due to the station's end on December 31, 2007. The show's first season was filmed at Camp Lindenmere in Henryville, Pennsylvania, during the summer of 2002. The camp, however, was referred to as "Camp Lindenwood" on the show, due to legal reasons. The show was created by Liz Sommers.
T0 E1: Episodio 1
- Fecha estreno: 2014-08-18
- Valoración: 8.0
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E2: Episodio 2
- Fecha estreno: 2014-08-22
- Valoración: 6.5
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E3: Episodio 3
- Fecha estreno: 2015-07-24
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E4: Episodio 4
- Fecha estreno: 2015-07-24
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E5: Episodio 5
- Fecha estreno: 2015-07-24
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E6: Episodio 6
- Fecha estreno: 2015-08-04
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E8: Episodio 8
- Fecha estreno: 2016-02-01
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E9: Episodio 9
- Fecha estreno: 2016-02-08
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E10: Episodio 10
- Fecha estreno: 2016-02-15
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E11: Episodio 11
- Fecha estreno: 2016-02-22
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E12: Episodio 12
- Fecha estreno: 2016-02-29
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 43 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
T0 E13: Comic-Con 2016
- Fecha estreno: 2016-08-22
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 29 min
Scaredy Camp is a reality show that aired on Nickelodeon, hosted by Emma Wilson. Season one ran from October 27, 2002 - November 3, 2002. Season two ran from August 2, 2003 - August 16, 2003. The show featured children competing against each other to find clues about ...
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