Ek Din Achanak is a Hindi language thriller television series that airs on DD National channel. The series premiered on February 21, 2009, and airs every Monday at 10:30pm IST. The series is produced by Percept Picture Company along with Harsh Cinevision Limited, and stars Salil Ankola & Neeta Shetty in the main lead. The story is based on a murder.
T35 E291: Episodio 291
- Fecha estreno: 2010-10-18
- Valoración: 4.8
- Duración: 120 min
Ek Din Achanak is a Hindi language thriller television series that airs on DD National channel. The series premiered on February 21, 2009, and airs every Monday at 10:30pm IST. The series is produced by Percept Picture Company along with Harsh Cinevision ...
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