
Go!azen portada
    Estreno 13 de noviembre de 2008
    Temporadas 10
    Episodios 105


    Go!azen ETB 1eko telesail musikala da, Pausoka ekoiztetxeak[1] eta EiTBk ekoitzia. Fikzio honek udaleku zorrotz batean euskaldun gazteen talde baten ibilerak ditu ardatz. 2008an sortu zen EiTBko film musikal bat bezala, Go!azen 1.0 izenburupean. Film honen arrakastaren ondorioz, ETBk 2010ean Go!azen 2.0 telesaila atera zuen, eta bertan pelikulako pertsonai berek hartu zuten parte. Urteak pasa eta gero, 2016an telesaila berreskuratu zuten eta Go!azen 3.0 telesaila sortu pertsonai berri askorekin.[2] Fikzio honekin aurrera jarraituz, 2017an Go!azen 4.0 telesaila aterako dute.



    poster de la temporada 1 de Filma
    • Episodios: 1
    • Sinopsis:Shining Time Station is an American children's television series co-created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow. The series was produced by The Britt Allcroft Company and Quality Family Entertainment in New York for New York City PBS Station WNET, and ...
    poster de la temporada 2 de Go!azen 2.0
    Go!azen 2.0
    • Episodios: 12
    • Sinopsis:Shining Time Station is an American children's television series co-created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow. The series was produced by The Britt Allcroft Company and Quality Family Entertainment in New York for New York City PBS Station WNET, and ...
    poster de la temporada 3 de Go!azen 3.0
    Go!azen 3.0
    • Episodios: 10
    • Sinopsis:Shining Time Station is an American children's television series co-created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow. The series was produced by The Britt Allcroft Company and Quality Family Entertainment in New York for New York City PBS Station WNET, and ...
    poster de la temporada 4 de Go!azen 4.0
    Go!azen 4.0
    • Episodios: 13
    • Sinopsis:Shining Time Station is an American children's television series co-created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow. The series was produced by The Britt Allcroft Company and Quality Family Entertainment in New York for New York City PBS Station WNET, and ...
    poster de la temporada 5 de Go!azen 5.0
    Go!azen 5.0
    • Episodios: 13
    • Sinopsis:Shining Time Station is an American children's television series co-created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow. The series was produced by The Britt Allcroft Company and Quality Family Entertainment in New York for New York City PBS Station WNET, and ...
    poster de la temporada 6 de Go!azen 6.0
    Go!azen 6.0
    • Episodios: 13
    • Sinopsis:Shining Time Station is an American children's television series co-created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow. The series was produced by The Britt Allcroft Company and Quality Family Entertainment in New York for New York City PBS Station WNET, and ...
    poster de la temporada 7 de Go!azen 7.0
    Go!azen 7.0
    • Episodios: 13
    • Sinopsis:Shining Time Station is an American children's television series co-created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow. The series was produced by The Britt Allcroft Company and Quality Family Entertainment in New York for New York City PBS Station WNET, and ...
    poster de la temporada 8 de Go!azen 8.0
    Go!azen 8.0
    • Episodios: 10
    • Sinopsis:Shining Time Station is an American children's television series co-created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow. The series was produced by The Britt Allcroft Company and Quality Family Entertainment in New York for New York City PBS Station WNET, and ...
    poster de la temporada 9 de Go!azen 9.0
    Go!azen 9.0
    • Episodios: 10
    • Sinopsis:Shining Time Station is an American children's television series co-created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow. The series was produced by The Britt Allcroft Company and Quality Family Entertainment in New York for New York City PBS Station WNET, and ...
    poster de la temporada 10 de Go!azen 10.0
    Go!azen 10.0
    • Episodios: 10
    • Sinopsis:Shining Time Station is an American children's television series co-created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow. The series was produced by The Britt Allcroft Company and Quality Family Entertainment in New York for New York City PBS Station WNET, and ...

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