Esta es nuestra tierra T1 E01: Episodio 1

Episodio 1 de Esta es nuestra tierra
Título Episodio 1
Episodio N.º 1
Temporada 1
Fecha de Estreno
Duración 93 min


The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty was a children's television show alternating animation and live footage segments. It took the concept of James Thurber's popular short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and parodied it with anthropomorphised dogs and cats. The show did not last long; it ran into trouble with the estate of James Thurber as it was not authorized by them. It did reappear on the Groovie Goolies show under the title The New Adventures of Waldo Kitty

Capítulos de la Temporada

Escena del episodio 2 de la temporada 1 de la serie Esta es nuestra tierra Episodio 2
  • Fecha estreno: 1991-02-04
  • Valoración: 4.8
  • Duración: 93 min

The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty was a children's television show alternating animation and live footage segments. It took the concept of James Thurber's popular short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and parodied it with anthropomorphised dogs and ...

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