Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of an ichadhari naagin. The series ended its first season on April 11, 2009, and is expected to return for its 2nd season within 3 months. On 11 October 2011, reported that Aruna Irani's production house, AK Films has started working on the story and casts and is expected to launch in December 2011. On the 9th February 2012, ZEE TV reported that Naaginn 2 will be postponed due to IPL therefore setting March 2012 as the launching month. On 29 February 2012, it was informed that ZEE TV and AK Productions have come to an understanding of scrapping the idea of Naaginn 2. Both ZEE TV and AK Productions decided to come up with Naaginn sometime later.
T3 E1: Episodio 1
- Fecha estreno: 2005-02-28
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E2: Episodio 2
- Fecha estreno: 2005-03-07
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E3: Episodio 3
- Fecha estreno: 2005-03-14
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E4: Episodio 4
- Fecha estreno: 2005-03-21
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E5: Episodio 5
- Fecha estreno: 2005-03-28
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E6: Episodio 6
- Fecha estreno: 2005-04-04
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E7: Episodio 7
- Fecha estreno: 2005-04-11
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E8: Episodio 8
- Fecha estreno: 2005-04-18
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E9: Episodio 9
- Fecha estreno: 2005-04-25
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E10: Episodio 10
- Fecha estreno: 2005-05-02
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E11: Episodio 11
- Fecha estreno: 2005-05-09
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E12: Episodio 12
- Fecha estreno: 2005-05-16
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E13: Episodio 13
- Fecha estreno: 2005-05-23
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E14: Episodio 14
- Fecha estreno: 2005-05-30
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E15: Episodio 15
- Fecha estreno: 2005-06-06
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E17: Episodio 17
- Fecha estreno: 2005-06-20
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E18: Episodio 18
- Fecha estreno: 2005-06-27
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E19: Episodio 19
- Fecha estreno: 2005-07-04
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E20: Episodio 20
- Fecha estreno: 2005-07-11
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E21: Episodio 21
- Fecha estreno: 2005-07-18
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E22: Episodio 22
- Fecha estreno: 2005-07-25
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E23: Episodio 23
- Fecha estreno: 2005-08-01
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E24: Episodio 24
- Fecha estreno: 2005-08-08
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E25: Episodio 25
- Fecha estreno: 2005-08-15
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E26: Episodio 26
- Fecha estreno: 2005-08-22
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E27: Episodio 27
- Fecha estreno: 2005-08-29
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E28: Episodio 28
- Fecha estreno: 2005-09-05
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E29: Episodio 29
- Fecha estreno: 2005-09-12
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
T3 E30: Episodio 30
- Fecha estreno: 2005-09-19
- Valoración: 5.0
- Duración: 60 min
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since October 11, 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of ...
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