Reparto de Dilbert

Conoce a fondo todos los actores y actrices que forman parte del reparto de Dilbert, la historia que ha conquistado a todos con sus personajes y actores que los interpretan.

Reparto Principal

Reparto Secundario

  • Maurice LaMarche - Garbage Man (voice)
  • Maurice LaMarche - Garbage Man / Billionaire (voice)
  • Maurice LaMarche - (voice)
  • Maurice LaMarche - Bob the Dinosaur (voice)
  • Jason Alexander - Catbert (voice)
  • Billy West - Marketing Guy (voice)
  • Billy West - Pointy-Haired Boss's Boss (voice)
  • Jerry Seinfeld - Comp-U-Comp (voice)
  • Jon Favreau - Holden Callfielder (voice)
  • Eugene Levy - Plug Guard (voice)
  • Harry Kalas - Announcer (voice)
  • Buck Henry - Dadbert (voice)
  • Chazz Palminteri - Leonardo da Vinci (voice)
  • Gilbert Gottfried - The Troll (voice)
  • Camryn Manheim - Juliet (voice)
  • Christopher Guest - The Dupey (voice)
  • Andy Dick - The Assistant (voice)
  • Wayne Knight - The Security Guard (voice)
  • Jeri Ryan - 7 of 9 Alarm Clock (voice)
  • Tom Green - Jerrold (voice)
  • Jay Leno - Jay Leno (voice)
  • Steve Austin - Stone Cold Steve Austin (voice)
  • Jennifer Bransford - Ashley (voice)
  • Kathy Griffin - Alice (voice)
  • Tom Kenny - (voice)
  • Tom Kenny - Asok / Ratbert / Petru (voice)
  • Tom Kenny - Asok / Ratbert (voice)
  • Tom Kenny - Asok (voice)


  • Adam Henry


  • Kara Vallow
  • Larry Charles
  • Dao Le
  • Mary Ellen Bauder

Preguntas frecuentes

Kathy Griffin hace el papel de Alice (voice).

Wayne Knight interpreta a The Security Guard (voice) en la serie.

Jason Alexander hace el papel de Catbert (voice).

Daniel Stern interpreta a Dilbert (voice) en la serie.

Larry Miller interpreta a Pointy-Haired Boss (voice) en la serie.

Chris Elliott interpreta a Dogbert (voice) en la serie.

Gary Kroeger interpreta a Various (voice) en la serie.

Jim Wise interpreta a Loud Howard (voice) en la serie.

Jackie Hoffman interpreta a Dilmom (voice) en la serie.

Tress MacNeille interpreta a Various en la serie.

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