Mr. Adams and Eve is a CBS sitcom starring Howard Duff and his then wife, Ida Lupino, as a fictitious acting couple, Howard and Eve Adams, residing in Beverly Hills, California. In the television series, Lupino is known professionally as Eve Drake. The program aired sixty-six episodes from January 4, 1957, to July 8, 1958, with rebroadcasts continuing until September 23, 1958. Lupino was nominated for an Emmy Award for "Best Actress in a Continuing Role" for both seasons of Mr. Adams and Eve.
T1 E2: Episodio 2
- Fecha estreno: 2016-01-27
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 90 min
Mr. Adams and Eve is a CBS sitcom starring Howard Duff and his then wife, Ida Lupino, as a fictitious acting couple, Howard and Eve Adams, residing in Beverly Hills, California. In the television series, Lupino is known professionally as ...
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