Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. It was an adaptation of the Japanese tokusatsu series Denkou Choujin Gridman which was produced by Tsuburaya Productions. The series was originally going to be named PowerBoy but was renamed Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad to avoid confusion with Saban Entertainment's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The series development mirrored the creative construct established earlier with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The master toy licensee -- Playmates Toys—funded the series, interpolated American development via toy licensing rights, and did a commercial buy-in on the Fox Network, where Haim Saban had established a kids block of time with other programs like "Power Rangers." Playmates called upon the development team at DIC. DIC, Pangea and Playmates' marketing group created an ensemble of character names, traits and profiles, which were spun into a most ambiguous series offering. More than anything else, this was a quick-to-market slam dunk to capitalize on the upsurge in popularity of imported Japanese monster-robot shows which could be adapted with new, regionalized live-action footage.
T2 E1: Episodio 1
- Fecha estreno: 2005-09-22
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E2: Episodio 2
- Fecha estreno: 2005-09-29
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E3: Episodio 3
- Fecha estreno: 2005-10-06
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E4: Episodio 4
- Fecha estreno: 2005-10-13
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E6: Episodio 6
- Fecha estreno: 2005-10-27
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E7: Episodio 7
- Fecha estreno: 2005-11-03
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E8: Episodio 8
- Fecha estreno: 2005-11-10
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E9: Episodio 9
- Fecha estreno: 2005-11-17
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E10: Episodio 10
- Fecha estreno: 2005-11-24
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E11: Episodio 11
- Fecha estreno: 2005-12-15
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E12: Episodio 12
- Fecha estreno: 2006-01-19
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E13: Episodio 13
- Fecha estreno: 2006-02-02
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E14: Episodio 14
- Fecha estreno: 2006-02-09
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E15: Episodio 15
- Fecha estreno: 2006-02-16
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E16: Episodio 16
- Fecha estreno: 2006-03-02
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E17: Episodio 17
- Fecha estreno: 2006-03-23
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E18: Episodio 18
- Fecha estreno: 2006-04-13
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E19: Episodio 19
- Fecha estreno: 2006-04-20
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E20: Episodio 20
- Fecha estreno: 2006-04-27
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E21: Episodio 21
- Fecha estreno: 2006-05-04
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
T2 E22: Episodio 22
- Fecha estreno: 2006-05-11
- Valoración: 4.6
- Duración: 0 min
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is an American television series. It was produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment, with distribution by All American Television, and ran for one season from September 12, 1994 to April 11, 1995 in syndication, as well as on ABC. ...
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