American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It was later picked up by PBS and aired in its entirety. The series was created by R. J. Cutler, an award winning documentary filmmaker. The show received the 2001 Emmy Award for Outstanding Non-Fiction Program. The theme song "American High", was written and performed by Bouncing Souls. An earlier Fox Network documentary series from 1991, Yearbook also covered the lives of suburban Chicago high school students.
T12 E1: Episodio 1
- Fecha estreno: 2023-10-10
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E2: Episodio 2
- Fecha estreno: 2023-10-11
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E3: Episodio 3
- Fecha estreno: 2023-10-17
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E4: Episodio 4
- Fecha estreno: 2023-10-18
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E5: Episodio 5
- Fecha estreno: 2023-10-24
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E6: Episodio 6
- Fecha estreno: 2023-10-25
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 58 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E7: Episodio 7
- Fecha estreno: 2023-10-31
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E8: Episodio 8
- Fecha estreno: 2023-11-01
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E9: Episodio 9
- Fecha estreno: 2023-11-07
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E10: Episodio 10
- Fecha estreno: 2023-11-08
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E11: Episodio 11
- Fecha estreno: 2023-11-21
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 58 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E13: Episodio 13
- Fecha estreno: 2023-11-29
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 58 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E14: Episodio 14
- Fecha estreno: 2023-12-05
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E15: Episodio 15
- Fecha estreno: 2023-12-06
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 58 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E16: Episodio 16
- Fecha estreno: 2023-12-08
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E17: Episodio 17
- Fecha estreno: 2023-12-12
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E18: Episodio 18
- Fecha estreno: 2024-01-16
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 58 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E19: Episodio 19
- Fecha estreno: 2024-01-23
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
T12 E20: Episodio 20
- Fecha estreno: 2024-01-30
- Valoración: 4.7
- Duración: 59 min
American High is an American documentary television show about the lives of fourteen students at Highland Park High School, located in the city of Highland Park, Illinois. The series originally aired on Fox and was canceled after four episodes. It ...
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