Temporada 4: Las aventuras de Batman y Robin (Batman: La Serie Animada)

The World's Most Dangerous Magic was the title of two American television specials showcasing illusion and escapology acts, which were made for the NBC network. The first was originally broadcast on 27 April 1998 and the second, titled The World's Most Dangerous Magic 2, was initially aired on 2 May 1999. The shows were the brainchild of producer Gary Ouellet and were made by the Gary L Pudney Company. They featured a combination of famous performers and lesser-known magicians, each performing stunts or illusions that were claimed to involve the risk of death or serious injury. While some stunts clearly involved genuine life-threatening danger should anything have gone wrong, the risk of injury in others was open to question. In the first show, The Pendragons performed the illusion Impaled, which was described as a "balancing feat" in which Charlotte Pendragon risked fatal impalement should it go wrong. However this is a well known illusion in the general repertoire of stage magic in which the performer is not actually in danger of genuine impalement. The Pendragons' presentation of this illusion is nevertheless rated by many magicians as possibly the best ever version of the trick.

Temporada 4: Las aventuras de Batman y Robin de Batman: La Serie Animada
N.º Episodios 5
Director Bruce Timm

Episodios de la Temporada 4

  • Escena del capítulo 1 de la temporada 4 perteneciente a la serie Batman: La Serie Animada
    T4 E1 - El trío terrible
    • Fecha estreno: 1995-09-11
    • Valoración: 6.8
    • Duración: 22 min

    Tres hombres enmascarádos comienzan elaborados planes para robar. Luego de que Batman descubra sus identidades se dará cuenta de que el líder del trío es amigo de Bruce Wayne y tiene el suficiente dinero, por lo que ...

  • Escena del capítulo 2 de la temporada 4 perteneciente a la serie Batman: La Serie Animada
    T4 E2 - El duelo
    • Fecha estreno: 1995-09-12
    • Valoración: 6.8
    • Duración: 22 min

    Ra's al Ghul narra a Batman la historia de un cazarrecompensas llamado Jonah Hex, quien seguía al villano «Arkady Duvall» en el lejano Oeste.

  • Escena del capítulo 3 de la temporada 4 perteneciente a la serie Batman: La Serie Animada
    T4 E3 - Un trabajo para Catwoman
    • Fecha estreno: 1995-09-13
    • Valoración: 7.5
    • Duración: 22 min

    Después de la promesa a Batman de no participar en ningún ilícito, Selina Kyle se siente atrapada en una vida sin garras ni máscara; esto hace que acepte participar en un robo que le propone Cara Cortada, ...

  • Escena del capítulo 4 de la temporada 4 perteneciente a la serie Batman: La Serie Animada
    T4 E4 - Una bala para Bullock
    • Fecha estreno: 1995-09-14
    • Valoración: 7.6
    • Duración: 22 min

    Alguien quiere matar a Bullock y a pesar de sus diferencias personales con Batman, solicita su ayuda, sabiendo que el Caballero de la Noche es el único que puede ayudarlo.

  • Escena del capítulo 5 de la temporada 4 perteneciente a la serie Batman: La Serie Animada
    T4 E5 - El león y el unicornio
    • Fecha estreno: 1995-09-15
    • Valoración: 7.1
    • Duración: 22 min

    Alfred, el mayordomo de Bruce Wayne, viaja a Londres, donde es secuestrado por una organización criminal llamada La Garra Roja y llevado a un castillo, donde es torturado para que revele la clave de acceso de un misil que ...

Otras Temporadas

Poster de la Temporada 0 en la serie Batman: La Serie Animada


  • Episodios: 1
  • Sinopsis:The World's Most Dangerous Magic was the title of two American television specials showcasing illusion and escapology acts, which were made for the NBC network. The first was originally broadcast on 27 April 1998 and the second, titled The World's Most Dangerous ...
Poster de la Temporada 1 en la serie Batman: La Serie Animada

Temporada 1

  • Episodios: 60
  • Sinopsis:The World's Most Dangerous Magic was the title of two American television specials showcasing illusion and escapology acts, which were made for the NBC network. The first was originally broadcast on 27 April 1998 and the second, titled The World's Most Dangerous ...
Poster de la Temporada 2 en la serie Batman: La Serie Animada

Temporada 2: Las aventuras de Batman y Robin

  • Episodios: 10
  • Sinopsis:The World's Most Dangerous Magic was the title of two American television specials showcasing illusion and escapology acts, which were made for the NBC network. The first was originally broadcast on 27 April 1998 and the second, titled The World's Most Dangerous ...
Poster de la Temporada 3 en la serie Batman: La Serie Animada

Temporada 3: Las aventuras de Batman y Robin

  • Episodios: 10
  • Sinopsis:The World's Most Dangerous Magic was the title of two American television specials showcasing illusion and escapology acts, which were made for the NBC network. The first was originally broadcast on 27 April 1998 and the second, titled The World's Most Dangerous ...
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