Asesinato en...
(Serie TV)
Categoría Misterio, Drama, Crimen
Temporadas 11
Episodios 76
A diferencia del drama criminal clásico, cada episodio se puede ver de forma independiente. Los personajes y los lugares son diferentes cada vez, cada episodio destaca una ciudad o región diferente. La trama se basa en una investigación vinculada a una leyenda existente o inventada, dirigida por un dúo (a menudo un hombre y una mujer normalmente con algún vínculo) representado por dos actores conocidos. Estos dos personajes no son necesariamente ambos policías, sino que son traídos para colaborar a partir de unos primeros informes difíciles.
Episodios: 5
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...
Episodios: 5
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...
Episodios: 6
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...
Episodios: 6
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...
Episodios: 5
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...
Episodios: 6
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...
Episodios: 8
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...
Episodios: 8
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...
Episodios: 11
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...
Episodios: 13
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...
Episodios: 3
Sinopsis: Yearbook was a documentary television series that aired on the Fox Network in 1991. It is one of the earliest examples ...