Vicky Ki Taxi is a TV show that airs on the Indian channel Real TV and it premiered on March 6, 2009. The story revolves around Vicky and his taxi 'Jaaneman’. The stories conceived and written by Vipul K Rawal of Iqbal fame were heartwarming and touched a chord with all sorts of viewers.
Episodio 1
T1 E1: Episodio 1
- Fecha estreno: 1991-05-12
- Valoración: 4.9
- Duración: 180 min
Vicky Ki Taxi is a TV show that airs on the Indian channel Real TV and it premiered on March 6, 2009. The story revolves around Vicky and his taxi 'Jaaneman’. The stories conceived and written by Vipul K Rawal of Iqbal ...
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