Zombis de la estratosfera - Reparto de la Película

Conoce a fondo todos los actores y actrices que forman parte del reparto de Zombis de la estratosfera, la historia que ha conquistado a todos con sus personajes y actores que los interpretan.

Reparto Principal

Reparto Secundario

  • Ain Lutsepp - Ernst
  • Andres Raag - Kallas' Companion
  • Stepan Maurits - Koni's Companion
  • Herardo Contreras - Doctor
  • Kadri Kilvet - Nurse
  • Salme Poopuu - Nurse
  • Ulvi Kreitsman - Nurse
  • Salme Reek - Private Store Owner
  • Kristel Leesmend - Department Store Attendant
  • Raivo E. Tamm - Scoundrel
  • Dajan Ahmet - Battery Gangster
  • Ants Vain - Toivo's Boss
  • Aarne Leet - Guard
  • Jaan Tätte - Peeter
  • Garmen Tabor - Diana
  • Mardo Tamme - Child
  • Jüri Vlassov - Folk Dancer
  • Mihkel Smeljanski - Folk Dancer
  • Vladimir Laptev - Priest of the Orthodox Church
  • Aleksander Kortava - Man
  • Kristel Kärner - Pregnant Woman
  • Anna-Liisa Lehtmets - Girl in the Orthodox Church
  • Leida Paju - Cleaner
  • Paul Laasik - Dead Policeman Luks
  • Enn Pauk - Man at the Tram Stop
  • Oleg Mihhailov - Crane Driver
  • Toomas Tamme - Taxi Driver
  • Toomas Hussar - Show Runner
  • Mati Talvik - Vice President of the Bank
  • Rein Lind - Politician on TV show
  • Aare Kasemaa - Politician at Eesti Pank
  • Martin Tulmin - Baby
  • Artur Talvik - Gangster at Power Station
  • Armin Altorf - Gangster at Power Station
  • Mati Jaeski - Gangster at Power Station
  • Toomas Zahharov - Gangster at Power Station
  • Üllar Vomm - Gangster at Power Station
  • Vello Roover - Gangster at Power Station
  • Heino Lahtein - Gangster at the Wasteland
  • Eero Uustalu - Gangster in the Truck
  • Erik Lill - Gangster in the Truck
  • Urmas Türk - Gangster in the Truck
  • Enn Nõmmik - Gold Truck Driver
  • Elina Aasa - Violinist
  • Igor Põldma - Mihhail's Bodyguard
  • Toomas Tatrik - Anton's Bodyguard
  • Külli Palmsaar - TV Announcer
  • Tarmo Männard - Drunk Russian Soldier
  • Tarmo Kruusimäe - Punk in the Private Shop
  • Kristjan Müller - Punk in the Private Shop
  • Kerstin Raidma - Punk in the Private Shop
  • Vladimir Laptev Jr. - Boy in the Orthodox Church


  • Foto del director Fred C. Brannon

    Fred C. Brannon


  • Foto del guionista


  • Foto del productor

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