La Saga Rassam-Berri, le cinéma dans les veines

Categoría Documental
Duración 1h 30 minutos
Director Michel Denisot, Florent Maillet
Producción Renaud Le Van Kim, Marie Avarguez, Stéphanie Lebrun


Two intertwined families who have made half a century of cinema. La Grande Bouffe, We won’t grow old together, Tchao Pantin, Apocalypse Now, Bienvenue Chez les Ch’tis, The Artist. At the center of this family, an unknown to the general public: Paul Rassam. His brother and his brother-in-law are more famous: the sulphurous Jean-Pierre Rassam and Claude Berri. It is a story peppered with drama, and today, a new generation has taken over. Thomas Langmann – son of Claude Berri – and Dimitri Rassam, son of Carole Bouquet and Jean-Pierre Rassam.

