Reparto de Hitler: una biografía

Conoce a fondo todos los actores y actrices que forman parte del reparto de Hitler: una biografía, la historia que ha conquistado a todos con sus personajes y actores que los interpretan.

Reparto Principal

Reparto Secundario

  • Karl Dönitz - Self (archive footage)
  • Albert Einstein - Self (archive footage)
  • Francisco José I de Austria - Self (archive footage)
  • Otto Gebühr - Frederick the Great (archive footage)
  • Joseph Goebbels - Self (archive footage)
  • Hermann Göring - Self (archive footage)
  • Rudolf Heß - Self (archive footage)
  • Reinhard Heydrich - Self (archive footage)
  • Heinrich Himmler - Self (archive footage)
  • Alfred Jodl - Self (archive footage)
  • Wilhelm Keitel - Self (archive footage)
  • King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy - Self (archive footage)
  • Fritz Kortner - Self (archive footage)
  • Ernst Lubitsch - Self (archive footage)
  • Thomas Mann - Self (archive footage)
  • Theodor Morell - Self (archive footage)
  • Benito Mussolini - Self (archive footage)
  • Friedrich Paulus - Self (archive footage)
  • Max Reinhardt - Self (archive footage)
  • Erwin Rommel - Self (archive footage)
  • Ernst Röhm - Self (archive footage)
  • Albert Speer - Self (archive footage)
  • Richard Tauber - Self (archive footage)
  • Joachim von Ribbentrop - Self (archive footage)
  • Harry Giese - Narrator (voice) (archive sound) (uncredited)


  • Joachim Fest


  • Joachim Fest


  • Foto del productor Werner Rieb

    Werner Rieb

Banda Sonora

  • Hans Posegga

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