Tracy Cunliffe

Imagen de Tracy Cunliffe

Información personal

Trabajo principal: Profesión no disponible

Edad: Edad no disponible años

Lugar de nacimiento: Lugar de nacimiento no disponible

Fecha de nacimiento: Fecha de nacimiento no válida

Películas destacadas de Tracy Cunliffe

Biografía de Tracy Cunliffe

Born in Bolton, she lived in the North West for many years.

She played the part of 'the other girl in nosh van' in 24 Hour Party People, with Steve Coogan and Peter Kay. Did some modeling for about 18 months which was where she was asked to play the part in the afore mentioned film. She played the part of a young girl who was murdered in another film, which was never released.

She lived down south briefly in 2009 then returned to Manchester. She has three children, all girls and is living happily in Manchester.

Actores que trabajaron con Tracy Cunliffe

Estos son los actores con los que más ha coincidido trabajando

Filmografía de Tracy Cunliffe

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