Tim Rogan

Imagen de Tim Rogan

Información personal

Trabajo principal: Profesión no disponible

Edad: Edad no disponible años

Lugar de nacimiento: Lugar de nacimiento no disponible

Fecha de nacimiento: Fecha de nacimiento no válida

Películas destacadas de Tim Rogan

Biografía de Tim Rogan

Tim Rogan is originally from Potomac, Maryland, where he grew up performing on the stage. He went from singing in his elementary school shows, to travelling the world and eventually getting to perform in some of the most beautiful theatres in the country. Tim earned his Music Theatre degree from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He began working professionally in the DC area before heading out on the road for two years, touring nationally with Disney's "Beauty and the Beast", and then with the national tour of "Camelot".

Actores que trabajaron con Tim Rogan

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Filmografía de Tim Rogan

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