Jill DeVries

Imagen de Jill DeVries

Información personal

Trabajo principal: Profesión no disponible

Edad: 71 años

Lugar de nacimiento: Lugar de nacimiento no disponible

Fecha de nacimiento: 23 de julio de 1953

Películas destacadas de Jill DeVries

Biografía de Jill DeVries

Jill De Vries was born on July 23, 1953 in Kankakee, Illinois. She's of Dutch descent. Jill grew up in Wichert, Illinois. De Vries was a cheerleader for eight years in grade school and took piano lessons for eleven years. Jill studied elementary education at Illinois State University and managed a boutique called the Joint General Store. De Vries was the Playmate of the Month in the October, 1975 issue of "Playboy;" her pictorial featured the first gatefold to be signed by the model. Moreover, she also graced the covers of the February, 1976 issue of "Playboy" and the March, 1976 issue of "Oui." Jill's sole foray into film acting was a small part as a call girl in "Risky Business."

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Filmografía de Jill DeVries

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