Holly Westwood
(Biografía y Filmografía)
Nombre: Holly Westwood
Profesión: Acting
Holly Westwood is a young and talented actress based in London, UK. Holly was based in Denver and Atlanta for some time thus some highlights during this time include a lead role in Star Raiders: The Adventure of Sabre Raine for SyFy Networks, a lead role in the gritty Indy-drama Hush Money, Banquo in an all female version of Macbeth a the University of Colorado, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet in a very futuristic take on the old classic performed at the Betsy Stage Theatre. Most recently, Holly took on the lead role in gritHouse Productions latest film "Infrared Dreams".
Calificación: 3.7Personaje: CrotalusAño de estreno: 2017
Calificación: 3.7Personaje: CrotalusAño de estreno: 2017
Calificación: 3.7Personaje: CrotalusAño de estreno: 2017