Gabriel Lemay
Información personal
Trabajo principal: Profesión no disponible
Edad: Edad no disponible años
Lugar de nacimiento: Lugar de nacimiento no disponible
Fecha de nacimiento: Fecha de nacimiento no válida
Películas destacadas de Gabriel Lemay
Biografía de Gabriel Lemay
Gabriel Lemay is filmmaker, actor, and musician based in Montreal, Canada. After his graduation from Concordia University, with professional work in the industry already under his belt, he concentrated on filmmaking. With music as a constant sideline, he additionally soon got offered acting roles in a variety of independent fiction productions. His first writing and producing project, "What Remain" (2016), directed by Jérémy Comte, got screened at the 66th Berlin Film Festival. His debut short as director, "Three Days Till Marrakesh" (2018), came out two years later. He directed "Rosa" (2020), starring Benoît Brière and Théodore Pellerin, with long time collaborator Jean-Michel Gervais. The film had an exceptionally successful run on the festival circuit, having been screened in Cannes the following year, making its mark at Off-Courts Trouville, having premiered in Canada at Regard, and winning several prizes.
Actores que trabajaron con Gabriel Lemay
Estos son los actores con los que más ha coincidido trabajando
Filmografía de Gabriel Lemay
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