Foster Brooks
(Biografía y Filmografía)
Nombre: Foster Brooks
Nacionalidad: Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Profesión: Acting
Nacimiento: 11 de mayo de 1912
Edad: 112 años
Foster Brooks was one of eight sons and the son of a lawman. Getting his start in radio, Brooks was a newscaster and disc jockey in Louisville and Buffalo before making the move to television Brooks moved to L.A. in the 50s and began acting in television as well on stage as a stand-up comedian. He well known for his appearances on the Dean Martin Show and his character acting. Brooks died in California in 2001 at the age of 89.
Calificación: 2.30754891532245Personaje: Foster BrooksAño de estreno: 2003
Calificación: 4.5141159328763525Personaje: Fisherman #1Año de estreno: 1984
Calificación: 2.30754891532245Personaje: Foster BrooksAño de estreno: 2003
Calificación: 4.5141159328763525Personaje: Fisherman #1Año de estreno: 1984
Calificación: 2.30754891532245Personaje: Foster BrooksAño de estreno: 2003
Calificación: 4.5141159328763525Personaje: Fisherman #1Año de estreno: 1984