Flynn McHugh

Imagen de Flynn McHugh

Información personal

Trabajo principal: Profesión no disponible

Edad: 24 años

Lugar de nacimiento: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Fecha de nacimiento: 26 de junio de 2000

Películas destacadas de Flynn McHugh

Biografía de Flynn McHugh

Flynn was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA and is the oldest of the McHugh children. His siblings Logan McHugh, Shea McHugh, Lia McHugh & Gavin McHugh are also actors. He is best known for his role as Tank in The 5th Wave.

Flynn starting acting on stage in Atlanta at the age of 7, in his most favored performance he played the role of "Jack" in Into the Woods at age 13. He spends most if his time performing for a nationally acclaimed High School show choir (2016-19).

Actores que trabajaron con Flynn McHugh

Estos son los actores con los que más ha coincidido trabajando

Filmografía de Flynn McHugh

Fecha de Estreno Título Personaje
2015 A History of Radness Free Snacker
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